In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

it have been quite long since my last update kan..i've lots of things to pour here actually..but , hmmm...BUSY..banyak perkara yang perlu di utamakan..But now , alhamdulillah , i'm quite free
29/2 - wednesday
lab biochemistry from 3 - 4 pm...should be 2 hours , tapi siap awal sebab experiment kali ni senang je..pukul 8 malam , gerak pi Kuliyyah of Allied Health Sciences ( KAHS ) for mandarin class...alhamdulillah ,ada kesempatan nak belajar another languages..So far , dah ada at least basic in 4 languages ..Arabic , french , japanese , and mandarin..Malay and english for sure..hehe.Habis kelas at 10 ++ , rushing to musolla CF sis untuk meeting committee Reading Awareness Campaign ( RAC ) this coming 10-17 march..12 am baru habis as the secretary ~ tak dapat nak join birthday party for mar malam tu..hmmm..tak dapat makan kek..HAHA :p
1/3 - thursday
kelas seketul je untuk hari ni..Computer in Sciences..patutnya kelas dari 2-5..tapi pukul 3 dah habis..First time kelas KOS habis awal..sebabnya hari ni lecture je..No assignment..Tapi still tak boleh balik..Lepak dekat KOS sampai 5 ++..kononnya hari ni dapat buku text biochem , at last takdak pon..buang masa je 2 jam ><
3/3 - saturday
Me , kaka , hafa , aimy , tiqah , syam , mar and yana attended UPGRADE YOURSELF TRAINING at grand hall , office of Campus Director iium..a programme conducted by sis Elin and her husband Bro amirul from Real Leaders Solution...memang best ! full story dalam entry akan datang..insyaallah..Seharian la dekat OCD tu sebab programme dari 8.30 pagi sampai 5.30 petang..
malam , bersengkang mata study Principle and Practice of Management ( MGT ) sebab besoknya oral quiz ..nak kena cover 4 chapters..burning the midnight oil until 2.00 am -.-''
4/4 - sunday
pukul 9 sampai 5 ++ kelas MGT..seharian dekat Kuliyyah of Sciences ( KOS )..first session lecture , second session ORAL QUIZ..alhamdulillah our group got 7.4% out of 10%..third highest in our class ( we have 9 groups )..bersyukur la even tak banyak mana..but okay la , study within less than one night for 4 chapters kan..i think , i'm a good last-minute person..LOL..
before maghrib , i'm struggling to memorize my ayat hafazan for study circle...sis alia ( my facilitator for study circle ) sent the ' command ' to memorize it on 1/3..tasmi' is on 4/4..Alhamdulillah , ayat tak la panjang sangat..lebih kurang 9 baris je -.-''..and prepare for my presentation too..i need to present hadith 1 in my study circle meeting at 9.15 pm..
study circle meeting from 9.15 to 11 pm..alhamdulillah, everything went well..
5/3 - monday
I have NO class for this day..Should be Biostatistics class at 8-11 am..but Dr. Mustafizur cancelled it..But still , I cant proceed with my plan to ' rest ' and top up my bed time ..Went to Taman Tasik for our Biotech Batch Awesome small gathering...8.40 , we walked there ..having some fun playing around like a child..terkinja kinja main buaian kat playground tu , main baling2 belon , etc..hmmm , okay la jugak..then , tengah2 panas terik pukul 12 ++ tu , kami jalan kaki lagi balik ke iium terchenta..makin hitam la dok kuantan ni haaa :(..sampai bilik terus tido sebab penat sangaaaaattttt..siapkan minit mesyuarat first meeting RAC hari tu..lepas isyak , bergegas pi print minutes tu..Lepas tu baru sedar terlupa nak bawak purse...pecut balik ambik purse pulak..penat gilaaa..Second meeting RAC from 9 -10 ++...stay up one whole night , siapkan assignment biostatistics
Tengah2 buat assignment , cik Nadia si roomate tersepak botol air aku kat lantai ( actually air tu baru masak , tak tutup botol lagi sebab panas sangat..) habis la banjir compartment aku..karpet semua basah..Dah siap assignment tu , tangan ni gedik pulak nak tutup tab2 yang ada..konon2 nak tutup dah la mana2 tab yang tak perlu..Last2 aku tertutup sekali tab assignment dan bertambah malang nya sebab tak save ! rasa nak hempuk je kepala kat dinding..istigfar je banyak2..trying to cool myself..kalau ikutkan sisi hati yang jahat ni , rasa macam nak mencaci maki je..Stay up sampai pukul 3 pagi..redo the assignment -.-''
6/3 - tuesday
woke up in the morning like a zombie..kelas Islamic Worldview ( UNGS ) from 8.40 - 10 am..balik bilik , read the lab manual sebab petang nya ada lab Molecular & Cell Biology ( MCB )..settle kan log book etc etc..nak je tido , tapi tak boleh tido sebab ada banyak benda nak buat..pukul 1.30 dah gerak ke KOS..pukul 2 - 5 ++ lab pasal cell division cycle : mitosis of onion cell...
alhamdulillah , assignment biostatistic pon dah selamat di submit..syukur jugak sebab meeting Personal Growth Group a.k.a PGG cancelled..should be lepas lab MCB tu kena rush pi One Student Centre ( OSC ) untuk meeting tu..Tapi sis iqa takdak kat kuantan for today , maka meeting postponed..Rasa nak lompat2 je dalam lab time sis iqa hantar mesej tu..hewhew
malam , baru la dapat rasa nikmat tido sikit..tak study pon..basuh baju etc , then tido awal compared to hari2 sebelum ni ..hari ni memang layu and lemau la..Sampai ada kawan tanya , '' eh , kenapa mata berair ? ''..aigoo..rasa field of view mata hari ni macam 25 % je..huhu
7 / 3 - wednesday
hmmm...NO class for today..sebab sepatutnya hari rabu ada lab biochemistry je..Tapi kami dah dibahagikan kepada 2 groups..Alternate turn la..Aku group one , means lab minggu lepas..Minggu ni lab untuk group two pulak..Alhamdulillah , berjaya top up waktu tido dan recharge tenaga..heheh.
seriously sangat sibuk these few days..rasa macam tak cukup je 24 jam tu..but then , someone told me '' bersyukur la kita busy buat itu ini , sebab dari situ kita akan automatically jadi pandai nak manage our time..'' setuju..sebab bila busy sangat2 ni la aku jadi seorang yang sangat menghargai masa..buat kerja sungguh2 sebab nak kejar dateline..belajar macam mana nak handle disturbances..Bila jadi secretary untuk program ni , aku belajar how to work with people ( to be exact , senior la..aku + nasierah je budak first year :p ) , bahagi masa antara academic and persatuan..Benda2 persatuan ni tak wajib pon..aku sendiri yang cari dan masuk macam2 benda..Kalau belajar je 24/7 pon boleh gila kan..silap2 aku terus muntah bila tengok buku sebab dah muak..haha..So , syukur alhamdulillah for this experiences..Thanks to HIM for keeping me busy..At least i learnt to be someone who appreciate every single second that i have..May Allah guide me in His path :) Do pray for me buddies !
Lepas ni akan kembali busy..Midsem exam is already at the corner..But never mind , lagi 18 hari je nak balik home sweet home..yeaahhhh ! cant wait for that day..hihi..telepon megadu dekat mak sebab penat sangat , mak cakap '' haih , balik nanti makin kurus la anak dia sorang ni..makan banyak2..''..hehe..comey je pesanan mak untuk anaknya..padahal memang anak dia yang sorang ni banyak makan pon..habis duit beli makanan :p
so , thats all lah for now..Insyaallah kalau ada kelapangan , akan tulis pasal Upgrade Yourself Training hari tu..Ada perkara nak kongsi.
p/s : banyak sangat talk or event2 yang best kat sini..rasa macam nak pi semua..Tapi keadaan dan masa tak mengizinkan..hmmmm -.-''
Wah! best la belajar bnyk bahasa :))
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah..ada rezeki nak belajar and memang best..hehe :)
Deletehas,busy-nya has. may Allah guide you,dear. make sure your busy is parallel with our purpose of life.-sorry sbb akak still didnt make any call since i promised it. inshaAllah i will.
ReplyDeleteinsyaAllah kak kauthar..doakan has eh :)
Deletenevamind , tau k.kauthar mesti busy kan..take care tau :D
buzy life make us close to Him...i-Allah ^^
ReplyDeleteinsyaAllah shahnon :D
Deletepray for that :)
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ReplyDeleteAssalamu'alaikum,.. Dlm study circle, kena hafal ayat drpd surah apa ye?
ReplyDeleteMohon details psal prkara yg perlu dihafal,.. :)